05-14-2002, 08:40 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
iSilo 3.11 beta for Pocket PC
Every few months a big Palm based application makes its transition into the Pocket PC world. This month iSilo, a highly versatile document reader, makes that transition. Just a few of the benefits iSilo offers:
� Compresses the data by 50-60%, saving RAM on your device. � Hyperlinks make it much easier to navigate through a document. � Images add visual richness to documents, especially photo-quality color pictures. � Tables allow the display of tabular data. � Formatted text gives style to text for controlled emphasis.

You can get thousands of documents at MemoWare or make your own using HTML and iSiloX. One of the largest libraries for the iSilo reader are medical references. It doesn't appear that MemoWare has updated their database yet, but I presume any document that says Palm only but is in the iSilo format is usable in this new beta. It works on all Pocket PC and Pocket PC 2002 devices. Thanks to James Tee for the heads up.

05-14-2002, 10:59 PM
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 129
I have been waiting for this for a long time now! iSilo uses proprietary format for their documents and the only way they can be accessed is with their own reader. Until now that reader has been available only for Palm OS platform. Not anymore !
I installed Beta 1 of iSilo 3.11 for Pocket PC on my HP Jornada 568 and I must say it is suprisingly stable and polished built. About the only thing I cannot figure out how to do is to have the program accept a different font size. It seems to be stuck on 12 pt (but I can still change it using font size under Display options. If the developer can fix this and add ClearType support (which I consider a disappointing omission, considering that MS Reader, Palm Reader, TomeRaider, QucikLookup and PocketBible all support it), I will be in heaven
On the plus side, this seems to be the most configurable reader I have seen on Pocket PC so far. A user can modify almost any aspect of GUI and program behavior, which is great.
BTW, iSilo for Pocket PC works with all versions of iSilo documents, with standard Palm DOC files and with plain text files.
I cannot wait for the final version!