05-08-2002, 12:31 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
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HP Product Roadmaps
Another official nail in the Jornada coffin - this spells it out quite clearly:
"The Compaq iPAQ� Pocket PC, re-named the HP iPAQ Pocket PC, will be our smart handheld platform. The best of the current HP Jornada technology will be engineered into the platform. Jornada products will be phased out of the market in 2002. HP will continue to innovate in wireless, mobility and voice technology. HP also will offer the iPAQ Blackberry device for end-to-end wireless e-mail solutions, under the HP brand." Source: pt.
I have to admit I was taken by surprise here - I knew that the Jornada would bite the bullet, but so soon? I thought the roadmaps for the products from both companies would remain unaltered for 18-24 months, and we'd see the newest devices coming out from both companies. Instead we see the Jornada will be phased out within seven months! Not very long before it will only be a memory. Alas, poor Jornada, I knew him well...
05-08-2002, 12:55 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 53
What a bummer. What about the new 700 series will or are they being sold for a while. I really love my 680 and want to move up to the 720 maybe the price will bottom out on ebay and I can get a killer deal.
05-08-2002, 12:59 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Originally Posted by isrjt
What a bummer. What about the new 700 series will or are they being sold for a while.
"End of 2002" - so I think we'll see them come out since they've already been announced...
05-08-2002, 01:05 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 2,341
I posted this at pPCp also.....One word keeps going thru my head today 'Newton'
I'm sad to see the Jornadas discontinued. Not bitter, just sad. I fully understand the logic in the decision to drop the Jornadas. I really love the form factor, and was looking forward to getting a new Xscale version very soon.
I have a feeling that in a year or so when HP releases a newly designed device it will be a 'killer' If they design the HP/Ipaq around the Jornada form factor it will be just that, a killer.
And like most I'm so very happy for Carly, now that she has lined her pockets with several million dollars on this deal.
05-08-2002, 01:58 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 192
I too was shocked that these lines were dropped so early.
I will have to think long about purchasing a 57x Jornada...I have lots of accessories (I have an IPAQ too)...so I might just to squeeze another year out of the accessories...but HP has driven a nail into every product we use (Netserver, Vectra, Jornada)...only the hubs and switches aren't currently mentioned.
I think it's generally goodby HP/Compaq for me (maybe I'll feel better tomorrow, or maybe I won't).
05-08-2002, 02:09 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 57
HP Jornada
That's too bad. I've only had my 568 for a few months and a 548 prior to that. All those nice accessories that I purchased are going to be collectors items in a year. Too bad, because I really like the feel of the Jornada series compared to the other Pocket PC's. I thought that HPQ would take a little more time to decide what to keep.
:cry: :cry: :cry:
05-08-2002, 02:28 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,768
Upgrade from 3670 to 568..
I upgraded from my old iPaq to a 568... do I now have to downgrade? Whether HP or Compaq were better is debatable. No question Compaq beat HP to be the coolest device in town. The 56x however eclipsed Compaq in my mind. I hope that the new 'iPaq' strategy is nothing more than a rebranding of exising Jornadas. If the hardware itself is going to end of life, this will leave a sour taste in many a mouth.
05-08-2002, 02:46 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 26
I, too, hope this is simply a rebranding of the Jornada form factor, or else I will be going to the Zaurus sooner rather than later. Sleds are for snowy days!
05-08-2002, 03:12 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 548
What does "The best of the current HP Jornada technology will be engineered into the platform." mean?
Are we going to see a new device so soon?
05-08-2002, 03:20 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 384
If they do indeed can the Jornada form-factor, it will be proof positive that this is the biggest/dumbest merger in computer industry history.
If you read the article in detail, you will see that they are continuing BOTH lines of PCs.
Wait let me repeat that. The stated purpose for the merger "... decreasing our exposure to the low-margin PC business" is not addressed by the initial roadmap.
Now, let's look at the numbers and you'll see that the handheld and wireless sectors are experiencing substantial growth while the desktop PC market is actually RECEEDING!!!!
Carly Fiorina is a true female pioneer. It's glad to see that women are now equally empowered to make stupid self-serving decisions and run lots of good people out of work.
After throwing away most of the combined companies portfolios, this company will still have a large exposure to the PC business. This combined companies sales will be far less than the two combined. Dell, IBM, Gateway will be the prime beneficiaries. Merger costs of mind power and momentum will far outweigh any benefit.
Fiorina will get a huge pot of blood money. She will leave in one or two years right before the "new HP" begins a downward spiral. In time she will be lauded as a self-serving butcher.
Good job dumb-ass!!!!