05-03-2002, 06:37 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
CNet has a thirty minute taped interview with Palm interim CEO Eric Benhamou.

Some of the comments from the interview interspersed with my thoughts in italics.
� He went into a lot of detail about the split of the company into two divisions - hardware and software and the management that will run each. The Palm Source split will be totally complete in a few months. � We are at the end of Phase 1 of the handheld market. Phase 2 is just starting. Phase 2 will be far larger than Phase 1. PIM takes a second seat. Very powerful ARM processors will enable Palm to take advantage of a ten-fold power increase allowing multimedia objects like sound and photos. This will open up the enterprise market. Doesn't this sound like what Pocket PCs did two years ago? � Less than 5% of Palm OS devices (under 1.1M) have been deployed in the enterprise by IT staff. � The magic Palm OS can do everything the Pocket PC can do with half of the memory and processing power. So, why bother upgrading to ARM? I've also yet to see an MP3 or JPG file shrink one iota as I moved it from a Pocket PC to a Palm. � i705 sales will really depend on a new Palm server product to be released sometime this summer. Siebel is one of Palm's partners in getting this ready. I presume this will be in direct competition to Microsoft's now defunct Mobile Information Server as MIS is being integrated internally to Exchange's next version. Palm will not compete with Exchange but rather work with it. Palm Inc. in fact uses Exchange Server internally. � Symbian is a competitor, but at a disadvantage. He avoided talking about the technology though. � There was mention of a Treo competitor, but no details. This would also compete with Smartphone 2002 devices.
Thanks to Foo Fighter for the link.

05-03-2002, 06:56 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 109
Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
� The magic Palm OS can do everything the Pocket PC can do with half of the memory and processing power. So, why bother upgrading to ARM? I've also yet to see an MP3 or JPG file shrink one iota as I moved it from a Pocket PC to a Palm.
what a wuss! this statement is a SCAM and Microsoft or somebody should sue this guy for this... (Palm doesn't even have filesystem and I can find 1000 examples that Palm cannot do, but PocketPC can...)

05-03-2002, 07:22 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 1,466
Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
Originally Posted by jpzr
what a wuss! this statement is a SCAM and Microsoft or somebody should sue this guy for this... (Palm doesn't even have filesystem and I can find 1000 examples that Palm cannot do, but PocketPC can...)
Well, in many regards, what Benhamou said was accurate. You can run the whole gammut of applications on a PalmOS device (database, spreadsheets, WPs, games, Doc readers, web browsers, PIMs, and various other user oriented apps) with a 33mhz processor....and it still performs as fast or faster than a PocketPC running @ 206mhz. That's a fact.
But it's safe to say the he is..shall we say..embellishing the issue just a bit. 

05-03-2002, 08:56 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 109
Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
Originally Posted by Foo Fighter
Well, in many regards, what Benhamou said was accurate.
Can You Dig It? :wink:

05-03-2002, 08:58 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
Originally Posted by jpzr
Originally Posted by Foo Fighter
Well, in many regards, what Benhamou said was accurate.
Can You Dig It? :wink:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: 8O :lol: :lol: :lol:

05-03-2002, 11:28 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 110
Palm CEO - Pocket PC a dangerous competitor to Palm
Originally Posted by Ed Hansberry
� The magic Palm OS can do everything the Pocket PC can do with half of the memory and processing power.
Why does he bother? Surely not that many people can be stupid enough to believe that one OS is THAT much different from another? A bit - maybe - but twice as good!
It IS absolutely true that PalmOS can run very quickly on a low spec processor but it doesn't DO much! Ever tried programming Palms? Dead easy to to the basics - dead hard to get anything that clever (though NS Basic is pretty good for anybody looking for a programming solution).
I'm not a big MSoft fan but it's insulting to imply their OS is that poor! The bottom-line, simple, truth is you get what you pay for - not just in cash but obviously all those juicy capabilities (colour, video etc) cost power and need more processer capabilities. You can't fight the laws of physics Jim.
The real issue here is that Palm are being very brave by attacking MSoft in their area of strength - as Ed says they've been there some time - instead of sticking to the Hawkins philosophy of "keep it simple". I wonder how many current non-users will really be attracted by a Palm PPC type device?
I hope they succeed - competition is good for the Consumer! But I have my doubts.

05-04-2002, 12:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 53
I'd like to see my Jornada not lose the fromatting when I edit an Excel document, or do super/subscripts in Word, ala TinySheet and WordSmith.

05-04-2002, 04:55 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 7
I remember little kids singing this song...
"I can do anything you can do better, I can do anything better than you!" :roll:
So Palms can HotSync and do other things at the same time? And they automatically sync as you go along? *watches Palm argument die* 
Feel free to correct me if the Palm OS got a magic upgrade I wasn't aware of - I watch Pocket PC, not Palm. :wink:

05-04-2002, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 170
Where can I get the palm emulator for pocket pc?
Looks like a FUN way to make fun of my palm coworkers!!


05-04-2002, 05:24 PM