� MobileChess connects to the largest chess community FICS (Free Internet Chess Club); now there are always more than 200 users to play chess with! � Beginners can now actually beat the computer at novice level (Woo Hoo!!!) � Moves can be "undone" against the computer � Arm, MIPS, SH3 + PC versions are included in one installer! � No yearly and hidden costs � Free entry for most future tournaments
If you have already purchased a license key, it will work with the new version, no extra charge. Otherwise you can purchase one for US$24.95.
This program is buggy as hell... at least on my german iPAQ 3850. The keyboard doesn't work properly (therefor impossible to enter a username for FICS) and desktop version crashes when losing on time.
Additionally the board doesn't get flipped when playing with the black pieces - very annoying...