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Old 04-29-2002, 01:41 AM
Ed Hansberry
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Default How much do you spend on software for your Pocket PC?

How much money have you spent on software for your Pocket PC? I find myself spending much more than I had planned just because there is so much more out there now that is pushing the envelope of what a Pocket PC allows me to do away from my desktop. Software like Rakonza's K-ForCE, Pocket MindMap, and even simple email using a Digital Phone Card from SocketCom with my cell phone to both my work and personal email accounts.

So, what about you? How much have you spent in the last 12 months for Pocket PC Software? If you haven't been a Pocket PC owner that long, how much do you forsee spending in the next 12 months?
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Old 04-29-2002, 07:07 AM
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I have spent about $100 dollars mainly split between games (SimCity and can't wait for Argentum )and other software like Peacemaker Pro, and Dashboard. Overall I think the PPC comes pretty complete as far as features go.....
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Old 04-29-2002, 07:39 AM
Jaap van Ees
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Default �'s

There's just so much good stuff out there. I have spent well over $ 300, including the update to Pocket PC 2002. Most of this I spent on regular apps (like Agenda Fusion, Pocket Mindmap, Visual Notes, Pocket Slides, HPC Notes, abcDB) and utilities (like Resco File Manager, HandyZip, Flash Format, WordLogic, Calligrapher). No games.
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Old 04-29-2002, 02:34 PM
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Most of the functionality I need comes out of the box with the iPAQ. The only programs I've bought are QuickTasks and Dashboard, everything else is already there or I've found freeware options.
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Old 04-29-2002, 03:22 PM
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Default PocketPC Software

I have probably spent anywhere from $150.00 to $200.00 on software. This includes ZioGolf2, SimCity, HanDBase and the Resco File utilities, which include file explorer, picture viewer and zipper. Other software that I can find for free is a bonus. Still deciding on a PIM to purchase. Can't decide between Pocket Informant or Agenda Fusion.
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Old 04-29-2002, 04:00 PM
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I have probably spend more than $200, including TeleType GPS, iPaqPanel, Streets & Trips 2002 (for Pocket Streets), PocketStreetMap (, Intellisync and have a about $100 more that I am sitting on until they commit to fix a few issues / enhance the software, Simple SMS or IA Phone Manager are candidates...
- Oliver.
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Old 04-29-2002, 08:46 PM
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Default Money Spent on PDA Software

I have spent close to $300 on software and accessories. I wanted my PDA to function like my desktop so many of the apps. were obtained free like a Device Manager, Reg Editor, etc. but there are some I just had to have that cost money. Some games like Bobble, Word Game, Quiz Master (I love Word Games.) and
Mapopolis (Now I don't need MapQuest to find Door to Door Directions) and a favorite of mine, Pocket Talkit that reads my schedule aloud if I don't want to use my stylus. I download 7 days of TV Programs, 7 days of the Weather Forecast. There isn't anything that I can think of that I don't have right in the palm of my hand. Though I hate it when people say, "Oh, you've got a Palm?"
"It's alright to pick your friends, but not to pieces."
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Old 04-30-2002, 09:54 AM
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Default Too much free software, not enough RAM

I've only had a Pocket PC since July 2001 or so, and have bought Snails, Emerald Hunt and Pocket Watch. There's just too much good freeware available, I think, given the limited RAM on my iPAQ 3870 (and I have a 256MB CF card, but it's mostly filled with eBooks that I'll probably never read, maps, and MP3 files).

I'll probably spend $100-150, if you don't count the TravRoute Pocket CoPilot Jacket Edition for $249, which I consider more hardware than software (there will be a $49 software upgrade, though).

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Old 04-30-2002, 02:33 PM
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Default more than $250!

I hope to keep my new 567 at least 3 years, and I'm sure I'll buy that much software. (I'm also sure that the software I'm buying now will not work with my next PDA ).

My first pda, a Visor Deluxe, had about $200 in software, and lots of freebees, and it wasn't even connected.

So far I've bought Time Recorder, a local map from Mapopolis, and ABCdb , and will probably get a fax program. I'm using the free Phone Tools fax program now, and it's quirky. (i'm holding out for a fax progam that will send Excel).

Still to come: Delorme is promising to get their Earthmate onto Pocket Pc.
I have about $300 of maps and a Earthmate from them, and since I need topo, they are my only choice for GPS. This system worked fine on my Visor, and was the best GPS I saw for topographical maps that didn't need GIS accuracy.

I still like the free programs, I got hooked on them from having the Palm system. The best one I have gotten is Calendar+, and a beach today screen.

My friend and fellow tech junkie just bought a 567 after downloading the the Visual tool deal from Microsoft to make a program that we can use to do Fire Reports for our Fire Department. He saw the potential in being able to write your own programs, so he will be carrying a PDA instead of his laptop. I think lots of programing will be coming out, much of it free.
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Old 05-01-2002, 04:24 PM
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Default more than $250!

Originally Posted by Hotchkissfire1
Still to come: Delorme is promising to get their Earthmate onto Pocket Pc.
I have about $300 of maps and a Earthmate from them, and since I need topo, they are my only choice for GPS. This system worked fine on my Visor, and was the best GPS I saw for topographical maps that didn't need GIS accuracy.
I'm pretty sure I've heard of topographical maps for the TravRoute/NavMan GPS system. Since I have no interest in them, though, I didn't pay much attention.

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