04-26-2002, 01:36 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 8,228
Here we grow again - European Mobile Device Market
Palm still retains the top spot in the first quarter of 2002 but dropped 48% of their 2001 volumes. Compaq is still in second spot but their volume has increased 36% over last year, not too bad in an overall market down 30%. :-) In dollar terms, or Euro terms, Compaq is the clear leader having sold �92M vs Palm's �77M. That means Compaq's average selling price is holding near �650 per device (roughly $571) while Palm's is closer to �335 or $295. Clearly Europeans want more powerful devices given the higher average price of Palm devices. In the US, the average price is closer to $170, reflecting a lot of M105's being sold.
The Windows CE OS (which powers the Pocket PC) is also showing impressive results. It took 34% of the market, a substantial improvement over last year's 18%. Palm fell from 54% to 43% in the same period. Symbian held flat at 13%. It should be noted though that Windows CE was the only OS to show unit growth. Everyone else declined.
2001 was a great year for Pocket PC's once iPAQ's were available in quantity. I think 2002 is starting off to be another fantastic year. If only Americans had access to the same wireless network infrastructure our European friends do. I am sure Pocket PC's would be growing at an even faster clip here than they already are.
04-27-2002, 02:27 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
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