04-26-2002, 08:15 AM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Jun 2003
Posts: 1,350
I'm back... and gone again
I've been away from Thoughts for a couple of days, because I had to travel quite a bit for my day job. Reading the site was ok on PIE over GPRS. But posting new stories was still not very easy because we have to do that through the forum. Those of you who have looked at the forum on their Pocket PC will know what I mean by that. We're still working on templates that would make the site, and the forum, a better experience on the Pocket PC. Happily I saw that the others, and especially Andy, had you entertained.
Today I'm back with net access, and I will post some news. But the day after tomorrow I'll take off for a visit to my brother in Italy. I'll use that trip to put some final touches to my review of some car based Pocket PC solutions: the new Arkon iPAQ Multimedia mounts, and TomTom's Routeplanner and Citymaps, combined with a Pharos iGPS receiver. So far those products worked out pretty good for me, but nothing like two 10 hour drives into unknown territory to see if these can really help you. More on that later, you can expect those to appear somewhere next week.
Next to that, I hopefully will be able to tell you how good Vodafone GPRS roaming really is! So where my girlfriend might think we're on holidays, you know better. I'm doing a Pocket PC field trip! To give you a good review, I will go as far as driving through Italy. The pain we go through to give you a good readers experience.

04-26-2002, 09:32 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 53
I appreciate your travails in trying to bring us a good reader experience! You, through Italy...Jason in Cancun...hmmm.
Have a good trip!
Jeff McKean
Marketing Manager
Mobile Devices Division

04-26-2002, 04:04 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 289
Yo man .. say hi to Giorgio for me!!!

04-27-2002, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 2
Marlof's Field Trip
Go explore young man....but let's not forget you've been dying to 'burn some rubber' in the new Audi :lol:
Take care