04-23-2002, 05:30 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 135
Silver Slider 5 Review
As some of you probably know, my first Pocket PC was a nifty little iPAQ H3630. I really like the idea of modular expansion, and while it was ultimately not right for me (a contributing factor to my switch to the Jornada), modular expansion is something I firmly believe has a very big place in mobile technology. I like the sleeve idea, in theory at least, and in a similar theoretical fashion I like Handspring�s Springboard. The problem of course with both these options is that they are bulky and have forever invited enterprising companies and individuals to figure out ways to slim down the expansion. The premier person to do this for the iPAQ�s sleeves is George Mosquera, and he has a new version of his almost famous Silver Slider. Pocket PC Addict has a review that should answer all of your questions about the latest Silver Slider, minus one: What ever happened to Silver Slider 4? 
�It's hard to be an iPAQ owner without searching for just the perfect case and expansion sleeve combination. You may find the perfect case, but the sleeves do not work with it. Perhaps the opposite is true for you in that you have the sleeve, but the case is illusive. The Silver Slider 5 is truly the best of both worlds. Strong protection for your iPAQ and a CF expansion that doesn't force you to compromise for bulk.�

04-23-2002, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 357
What if the CF slot was clear plastic? How cool would that be?
Or how 'bout a GSM/GPRS Expansion Pack silver slider with cover? :)