04-05-2002, 06:37 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 135
HPHotKey v1.0
When life permits me to gasp for air, sometimes I like to make the most of my time by using my Jornada to write whatever needs to be written the most, and I've found that when I'm moving around a lot, the HP Pocket Keyboard is the most effective way to get things done. Needless to say it has its fair of flaws; chief among them is the fact that when the keyboard is installed in virtually prohibits effective use of the device for any purpose other than thumb typing. This program from Stellar Metrics, HPHotKey should help to make an already effective device, even more effective.

Features Include: � Launches and hides the HP keyboard driver after a warm reset. � Remaps the used-defined hardware launch buttons. � Kill an application with a hotkey combination. � Quickly return to the Today screen. � Open the Start menu for one-handed operation. � Launch important Pocket PC applications. � Easy to use - press and release the yellow blob button and a letter key
HPHotKey can be purchased for $5 from Handango (affiliate link).

04-05-2002, 07:48 AM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Marshall Burke had this to say to us via email:
"I have been using the HP Jornada 568 and the HP Pocket Keyboard accessory for a couple of weeks and have been quite frustrated by the fact that it has no ability to access the hardware button keys or perform quick launches of applications until now. John Kennedy at Stellarmetrics has created a utility called HPHotkey that helps improve upon the HP Jornada Pocket Keyboard. This application performs two key tasks it automatically launches the HP Keyboard Driver after a soft reset, and also provides away of accessing the hardware button shortcuts. As an added bonus he has also made it possible to kill a running application. The software is very easy to use, just install the software and perform a soft reset of the Jornada. After the unit restarts you will notice on the today screen a little icon of a key cap (as well as the Jornada Keyboard Driver), you can get directions by simply tapping on the key cap and selecting 'about'. It will explain how to use the software and all the available shortcuts to launch several of the built-in applications, which are the four top hardware buttons, Contacts, Calculator, Calendar, File Explorer, Internet Explorer, Media Player, Notes, MS Reader, Start Menu, Today Screen and kill current program. To get to Contacts for example you would simply press and release the 'yellow blob key' and then press the 'A' key quickly(this might take a couple of tries to perfect). You can also use the 'sym' key instead of the 'yellow blob' key, which I recommend since having the special key sticks option set on the HP keyboard driver will interfere with the operation of the HPHotkey software. If you own both of these devices this is a must have addition to your software collection and is a bargain at $5. You can visit the web site
at: http://www.stellarmetrics.com/Softwa...Key/hotkey.htm, currently
there is no trial available for download but at $5 you have nothing to lose."

04-05-2002, 06:35 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 382
Thanks for the reviews guys. I appreciate it. I will probably chime in with my observations later today.

04-05-2002, 08:20 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 556
I hope to finish and sent out v1.1 over the weekend.
While it will not offer 100% customizable key mappings, I'll try to make it more useful. And fix a bug.
thanks for the support. i'm very surprised - and gratified - as to how many people use this program and like it.
I'm looking at iPAQ hardware to see if a similar program is required for that platform.