03-31-2002, 05:34 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Happy Easter!
I wanted to wish everyone a very blessed and happy Easter Sunday - regardless of your faith, I hope everyone has a wonderful day. We won't be making any further posts today. Look for some long-overdue Mobius 2002 and CeBit photos to make their debut early next week!
03-31-2002, 10:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 289
Happy holidays to all!! I wish all you happiness and I hope you had a nice weekend.
03-31-2002, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 135
Good Yantif
Happy passover too!
04-01-2002, 12:12 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
Happy Whatever to everybody.
PS: Hope you have great pix of the Pocket LOOX !!!
04-01-2002, 05:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 59
Not to get political
Jason, I wish your request could have been adheard too, but it seems that peace just can't catch a break lately; saddest part of all the home of the two religions celebrating important events in their religions of late and the home of the 3rd major world religion is embroiled in the beginings of all out war... starting, as chance would have it, on Easter Sunday.
As people from all over the world read this, they are all of many different religions. May we all pray, in our chosen ways, that peace finds a way in Isreal and that the hatred on both sides subsides. Hate breeds hate, war breeds war. Less we not forget that it was somebody else's war that would become the "War to End All Wars" and that war would breed the two largest conflicts the world has ever seen.... World War II and the Cold War. For you history buffs, you also know that the outcome of World War II has made the events of this weekend possible. Even the best of intentions can have drastic and deadly results. It seems we can not escape the terrible events of one extreamist group nearly 100 years ago. All history is tied together like so many knots in a rope.
However, extreamists and hate mongers have brought us to this moment in time, only a belief in peace and tolerance can bring us out of this horrible time and truly usher in a time of peace. Alas I fear, no peace in our time.
This is so way off topic for this forum, but it is only average Joes and Janes like ourselves that can stop what is currently happening.... ladies and gents, head my words today... WWIII is more real today than it was when I was born in 1970. As WWI and WWII were each new kinds of wars, WWIII will itself be a new war and I am sure we will all think it will be the War to End All Wars.... I actually hope it isn't; for i know what that means.
Sorry Jason, but the peace you wished for didn't come to pass.
04-01-2002, 06:15 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Not to get political
Originally Posted by Kemas
Sorry Jason, but the peace you wished for didn't come to pass.
I know...the conflict between Isreal and Palestine is truly out of control. Very, very scary to see that so much death and destruction doesn't seem to phase either party and bring them back to negotiations. :-(
04-02-2002, 11:13 PM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
There are two things that grieve me to the bottom of my soul:
First they all claim to follow the same God, a God of mercy, justice and love, yet NONE of their action reflectl a loving, just and merciful behavior: they are as far from their God's teachings as could be. They claim to follow the same God, yet they reject each other, hate and kill each other.
The second grievious thing is that they are BROTHERS, both Jews and Arabs being the sons of Abraham and Isaac.
Human foolishness knows no limit, elsewhere too: in Northern Ireland, in the India/Pakistan area (Pakistan is a former province of India). In the former Yougoslavia, in Chechenia and other places.
And guess what: all these are the harshest conflicts in all the world and they are all based on religious beliefs.
And you tell me: Why? because all those people confuse religion and spirituality.
Religion is creeds and dogmas that don't tolerate deviances to these, people believe they and they alone are right and all the others are wrong. Religions teaches intolerence, religion teaches war and murder against the unbeliever, against the infidel they are called.
The essence of religions is intolerence and hatred.
On the other hand spirituality is all about the true essence of God: justice, mercy, compassion, help, tolerence and brotherly love.
Very few religous people are truly spiritual, most aren't.
Religion is man-made, while spirituality is God instilled.
04-02-2002, 11:57 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 135
I would like to very firmly remind everyone that fanatics don't speak for everyone, and shouldn't be used to represent any sort of majority.
I'm jewish, and the president of Isreal doesn't speak for me or my people.
I'm American, George W. Bush doeesn't speak for me, and shouldn't be taken to represent my views or opinions.
I'm of Ukarianian/Russian ancestery, Putin, the Czars, or any other leader of that country doesn't represnet me in anyway.
I'm a somewhat cynical PC user that gets a little disgusted with Microsoft from time to time, that Sun Microsystems guy doesn't rerpesent my opinion.
I'm Jewish, and I have no love for Zionism.
Osama Bin Laden doesn't represnt or speak for all followers of Islam.
The Taliban isn't an example of what will eventualy develop in all Muslim-majority countrys if nothing is done.
Arabs aren't prone to blowing themselves up under normal conditions.
Just becasue I live a block away from one of those Catholic churches where a number of preists have been removed for pedophilia, doesn't mean that my neighborhood is crawling with pediphiles, that all Preists are pediphiles, that all Catholics are pediphiles, or that Catholism is an enherintly evil institution.
Becasue a Shi'ite Muslim group dose something you don't agree with, do you blame allShi`ite and Sunni Muslims?
Because you only get information from one perspective, about one group of "evil" doers, do you feel justified to make generalizations about
Because America trains south american soliders in torture, irregular warfare, and other despicable tasks, does that make all americans evil? What does that say about the american government?
Becasue America has supplied and supported nearly every action of the Israeli government and army, does that make all americans evil? What does that say about the american government?
Becasue American coperations with the support of the government work to keep huge sections of the world impoverished, does thismake all americans evil? What does that say about the government?
Becasue 6,000 American's were killed as the result of an attack from a small (relativly) group of fanatics, does this give us the right to point fingers, call other very religious and possibly quite spiritual people goddless? Evil? Satanic? Lets look at the statistics of how many of their innocent have died as the result of dirrect and indirrect action by american corprate, forign policy, and military action. It justifies nothing, but it sure as hell puts something in perspective. The life of one man be it the president of a nation, the leader of a fanatic group, the every day worker, the virtual slave, the child, the educatior, the scholor, the researcher, the business person, the Pocket PC user, the Palm user, the symbian user, the mac user, the writer, the illistrator, the sculptor, the web designer, the chemist, the artisan, the craftsman, the outcast, the arab, the catholic, the calvinist, the orthodox christian, the Jew, the protastant, the gardener, the civil servants, the apointed governemt officals, the policy makers, the legislators, the lawers, the judges, the crimials, the gun makers, the small independent website owners, the glass makers, the consumers, or the sys op guy is equal in everyway to that of everyone. To assign a grater value to anyone's life bassed on ANY thing would be foolish in my opinion. In the same way, judging a group of people bassed on the actions of the one or the few and extrapolating generalizations bassed on this is just as foolish.
have a nice day!
04-04-2002, 02:46 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,079
You know Sam, you're quite right, Goeorge Bush doesn't represent your opinion, simply because you're not the United-States, you're one single individual in this country. And a chief of state doesn't represent every single individual, but the majority of all combined.
But where your examples lack is when you say: "the president of Isreal doesn't speak for me or my people."
As I said and as you know, in democraties, the chief of state is elected by the people (directly or indirectly) to represent the majority's choices and opinions.
Sometimes these rulers hide their true intents (Schroeder in Austria, Berlusconi in Italy, etc.) and subsequently their real behaviour and decisions reveal these "hidden agendas". They fool their own people and sometimes other nations as well; inasmuch as they provoke turmoil even in their own countries, even from many of their earlier supporters.
As deceivers and opponents of human rights they should be kicked out quickly, just like Osama Bin Laden, the Talibans and various undeserving leaders and their followers thoughout the world and history.
Let not history repeat itself.
Please note that my posts and convictions are not directed against any nations or groups of people, but against evil behaviour only, as it should be with any Believer of Justice and Human Rights; that is, I'm sure, all of us here!!!
Peace, happiness and justice for all.
Lausanne, Lake Geneva Region, Switzerland
04-04-2002, 04:52 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 135
I'd just like to point out for the record that just becasue there is universal sufferage, and elected officals, doesn't make a governemt demorcatic. George W. Bush wasn't elected by a majority, A. Hitler was elected somehow, as were more than a few Latin American, African, and SE Asia/Paciffic Islander presidents.
Having said that, none of this even touchs upon the Pocket PC theme of the boards... I apologize for draging this off topic...