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Old 03-28-2002, 06:06 PM
Jason Dunn
Executive Editor
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Default The Wallaby Cometh

Many months ago, I started hearing about a wireless Pocket PC code-named "The Wallaby". I heard the hardware was beautiful, and it functioned as a phone, but I never actually saw one. Then when news of the O2 XDA leaked, I forgot about the Wallaby because the 02 XDA was such a marvel to behold. Every time a Microsoft person showed the 02 XDA (which is a Pocket PC Phone Edition that only works on European GSM frequencies), I'd ask if there was a version coming for the North American markets. They'd just look at me and grin (things have changed now that I'm "press").

Until I saw this Voicestream web page, and the file name of the graphic they used, I hadn't put all the pieces together. Perhaps you haven't either - here's the breakdown...The 02 XDA is the Wallaby.

The Wallaby is made by HTC in Taiwan, the same people who made the iPAQ. 02 is a European carrier who bought the exclusive rights to sell the Walalby in their business areas. They dubbed it the "XDA", branded it, put some custom software on it, and called it a day. HTC meanwhile has been flogging the Wallaby to other carriers, one of them being Voicestream - which means they have a North American GSM version ready to roll, and we should see it sometime soon.

"T-Mobile combines the fastest nationwide wireless data network with a fully integrated Pocket PC to deliver a true mobile office solution. With a phone, pocket versions of Microsoft Outlook, Word and Excel, a fully capable Internet browser, and virtual private networking software, you can securely access the information you need whenever you want, wherever you happen to be."

Thanks to Steve Rubel for the link that got me thinking.
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Old 03-28-2002, 06:31 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 556
Default The Wallaby Cometh

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
The 02 XDA is the Wallaby. It's made by HTC in Taiwan, the same people who made the iPAQ. 02 is a European carrier who bought the exclusive rights to sell the Walalby in their business areas. They dubbed it the "XDA
This is interesting: "exclusive rights". Voicestream is owned by German T-Mobile but in German market O2 is also active (previously called Viag-Interkom) a cellco, but american T-Mobile (voicestream) is supposed to sell it so maybe european T-mobile (headquarted in Germany, part of Deutsche Telekom) also will sell it, but then it would not be "exclusive"?

I think that increasingly cell phone vendors and PDA vendors will not matter - cellco operator branding will matter more and everything will be produced in mainland China or Taiwan:

I don't know what to think about it...
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Old 03-28-2002, 08:42 PM
Trade Wind
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 48
Default The Wallaby Cometh

Originally Posted by jpzr
This is interesting: "exclusive rights". Voicestream is owned by German T-Mobile but in German market O2 is also active (previously called Viag-Interkom) a cellco, but american T-Mobile (voicestream) is supposed to sell it so maybe european T-mobile (headquarted in Germany, part of Deutsche Telekom) also will sell it, but then it would not be "exclusive"?
That page also showcases how over time, T-Mobile will be the marketing name instead of VoiceStream.

As far as the exclusivity of the XDA product...perhaps it is a time-limited exclusive. Like we have here in the United States with the Thera product. Verizon will be able to exclusively market the product until June when SprintPCS comes online with their Thera. (probably Verizon struck the deal first, and AudioVox can't produce enough inititally for two carriers) At any rate, with the Microsoft/T-Mobile alliance struck a couple weeks ago, T-Mobile said they would collaborate on a Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition device.

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