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Old 03-22-2002, 01:37 PM
Andy Sjostrom
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Default Wake up call

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) is supposed to introduce multimedia content to wireless messaging. The current Short Message Service (SMS) is limited to text-only, but drives million dollar revenues for many mobile network operators anyhow.

The price of sending one SMS varies from country to country, and from operator to operator. However, I believe that an SMS for 10 US cents can be considered to be "cheap" (!) anywhere. The largest mobile network operator in Norway just announced the price to send one (1) MMS: US$1! Today I read that the Nokia CEO (Scandinavia), Sara Kullgren, does not think that US$1 is too much. Not surprisingly...

Time to wake up. The equation (Cell phone + Internet + Time) will result in MultimediaMessage. Price less than 10 US cents.
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Old 03-22-2002, 02:12 PM
Arne Hess
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Default Wake up call

Originally Posted by Andy Sjostrom
Time to wake up. The equation (Cell phone + Internet + Time) will result in MultimediaMessage.Price less than 10 US cents.
But using a mobile phone only is more convenient than using a mobile phone plus pda for Internet access and hope that your friends are online in the Messenger in the moment you want to send them a file.
It's not the service only you pay there, it's also the convenience - but Andy - I think you know my thoughts... :wink:
Cheers ~ Arne, MS MVP - Mobile Devices
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Old 03-22-2002, 03:00 PM
Brad Adrian
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Well, most wireless data pricing services are screwed up. I think the telcos believe that corporations will be paying for the bulk of wireless data services initially, so pricing schemes so far are very high. For example, for me to check my e-mail ONCE using a typical GPRS pricing scheme, I would have to pay around $30.

Until the providers get all of this sorted out, I think that usage is going to be low.
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Old 03-22-2002, 03:20 PM
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Default Wake up call

Originally Posted by Arne Hess
But using a mobile phone only is more convenient than using a mobile phone plus pda for Internet access and hope that your friends are online in the Messenger in the moment you want to send them a file.
There is also Email... :wink:
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Old 03-22-2002, 03:23 PM
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Default Wake up call

Originally Posted by Arne Hess
But using a mobile phone only is more convenient than using a mobile phone plus pda for Internet access and hope that your friends are online in the Messenger in the moment you want to send them a file.
While I type this, my Pocket PC is playing WMA files through the speakers on my desk, and at the same time it is connected to the net over GPRS, checking for new email every 10 mins and alarming me when someone sent me something. The PDA is connected over Bluetooth to my phone, and they don't have to line up or whatsoever. When I get a new email, depending on the information I find in the header I can select to download it, or delete from my POP server. People can send me attachments in regular formats, that I can read using a variety of programs on my PDA.

What do you mean, convenience? I'll meet your phone, and I'll raise you my connected Pocket PC!
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Old 03-22-2002, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Mar 2002
Posts: 85

I have a big :?: over this MMS thing. SMS is extremely expensive in the UK (ok, 10p per message may not be much but at the end of each month, my bill could much the weightier for it) and picture messages cost more because they are sent in two (or more) SMS 'packets'.

So, for once, I may even be agreeing with Andy. Besides, I find it just as easy to open up my Communicator and send e-mails with attachments over the internet. I can spend less money by spending 1 minute on-line to send a message (which I prepared earlier), than I potentially could if I wanted to sent the same quantity and quality of information via SMS.

I know SMS is not MMS, but you see my point, I'm sure.
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Old 03-22-2002, 05:00 PM
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Default MMS SMS

I guess I am just American so I miss the Argument completely. I don't think we are as tuned in to the whole Messaging thing over here. Personally I can get on a computer anywhere and send an Email straight to my wife's Cell Phone and she can do the same to mine. Our Wireless service plan includes Data service for 5 bucks a month (it just uses our voice minutes. Then we have like 50 messages a month for 2 bucks. Very reasonable pricing. I think the carriers I have seen offering packet Data charge by the Meg right now and it is not too, too bad, but could be better. I prefer a voice call to messages or E Mail any how.
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Old 03-22-2002, 05:14 PM
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Default MMS SMS

Originally Posted by JMountford
I prefer a voice call to messages or E Mail any how.
A man to my liking! Usually when someone sends me a sociable SMS, I just call back. I don't like text messaging for stuff like that. But I do like to know that I can exchange documents when I'm mobile through my email. That to me is the big benefit of e-mail on the go. Reading that spreadsheet out loud simply doesn't do it for me.
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Old 03-22-2002, 05:22 PM
Andy Sjostrom
Join Date: Aug 2006
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"So, for once, I may even be agreeing with Andy."
No, Chubbergot! You are supposed to angrily disagree! :wink:
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Old 03-22-2002, 06:30 PM
Brad Adrian
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Default MMS SMS

Originally Posted by Marlof Bregonje
Usually when someone sends me a sociable SMS, I just call back. I don't like text messaging for stuff like that.
But, Marlof, neither you nor I are the "typical" SMS user; we're about 15 to 20 years too old to fit that profile. The people really driving the use of SMS are the teenagers. And, although I like to think that I understand how a teenager thinks, my children are constantly reminding me that I don't.
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