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Old 03-13-2002, 01:43 AM
Tycho Morgan
Join Date: Feb 2002
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Default Virtual Keyboard

Shay Leibovitz has sent us an email concerning the development of a new virtual keyboard technology that is in development. This keyboard will project a keyboard on to virtually any surface, and allow you to have (at least in theory) a much more portable full sized typing solution. This seems to be a big leap forward and while I eagerly await this solution, I think the device that I read about from Comdex that sensed your finger movements and allowed you a virtual typing experience without the need for a surface, might be a little more suited to people like me who can't always find a way to get to a flat surface.

"VKB has developed a highly efficient method for projecting an optical image of a keyboard onto a surface. In addition, VKB has developed a detection method through several proprietary developments for the accurate and reliable detection of user interaction, such as typing or cursor control functions (e.g. mouse or touch-pad controls). VKB has resolved all the technological hurdles required to make a practical virtual interface. Include minimizing the power consumption, minimal component size, simple processing, high accuracy and ease of use. VKB has filed numerous patents on its core technology and related applications."
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Old 03-13-2002, 03:52 AM
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Default one word

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Old 03-13-2002, 04:24 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 42

WOW ! NOW we're talking..
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Old 03-13-2002, 08:44 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 6

It sounds like this information should have been posted on April 1 :!:
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Old 03-13-2002, 04:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 100

I'm extremely skeptical about this technology.... but stranger things have happened - so for now, "I'll believe it when I see it".

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Old 03-13-2002, 05:36 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 251
Default touch typing gone?

:arrow: How does one touch-type on a surface where you can't feel the different keys? I think this is a fabulous idea for portable computing, but for the desktop scenarios, I don't see the benefit (except in medical/clean room situations where you aren't typing a 100 page thesis).

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Old 03-14-2002, 12:44 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
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Sounds far fetched, and the website is quite sad for such a high tech product. I'm with the others, I'll believe it when I can buy it.

As for how to touch type without feeling the keys... I suppose you could always use a pocket knife to carve a small groove under the F and J keys. :twisted:
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Old 03-21-2002, 03:06 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
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not only you can't feel the key, but how does the machine know when you "press" a key? and what about concentrated light of the laser? Yes I know it's not directly aimed at your eyes, but I have a pen/stylus/laser pointer and when I project its light ray within a short distance I get incomodated. On a far away wall, at the black board in classes it's perfectly ok, but not so much around a 1 foot range.
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Old 03-21-2002, 02:06 PM
Small Town Man
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 72

Someone was able to test this on CeBIT
Here is what he found out:

(sorry, it's in german)

Ok, ich BIN aufs Dach gekommen und habe den 'mini'-Stand der Firma aufgetan...

Die virtuelle Tastatur (rotes Licht projeziert eine tastatur auf eine ebene Fl�che) ist der HAMMER! Der Prototyp hatte ein engl. Tastaturlayout und war mit einem PC verbunden (d�nnes Kabel). So konnte ich in Word etwas tippern.
man kann die H�nde frei �ber der Projektion bewegen - erst wenn irgendein Finger die Oberfl�che ber�hrt, dann wird der Impuls ausgel�st. Sogar 10-Finger-Schreiben ist m�gliche (allerdings erkennt er dann nicht immer die Leertaste, vermutlich weil die anderen Finger den Daumen verdecken) - auch das Dr�cken der Shift-Taste zusammen mit einer anderen Taste ist �berhaupt kein Problem!

Der Projektor/Empf�nger f�r die Tastatur ist etwas h�her als eine Streichholzschachtel, so dick wie 2 Schachteln, ultraleicht und ziemlich simpel (ein Ber�hrungssensor f�r den Boden - wenn hochgehoben gehat Tastatur aus - spart batterie, und einen Einschalter -> l�nger dr�cken wenn Ger�t am Boden steht.)

�ber die Technik hat man nicht reden wollen vielleicht fehlt noch das copyright?
Man ist wohl in Gespr�chen mit gro�en Herstellern von PocketPCs und Handys... ziel soll es sein, das Ger�t (Projektor/empf�nger-Einheit) in ein Ger�t zu integrieren (also nicht extern).
Wirklich spannend! und scheint Problemlos zu sein - man stelle sich vor: die linke hand h�lt den iPaq, dieser prozeziert vor sich auf den Schreibtisch eine Tastatur in normaler Gr��e, die rechte Hand tippert mal schnell einen Namen, Adresse, Termin, ....




He says that it work nearly perfect. The only problem was the SPACE key because the thumb is hidden by the other fingers.
They demonstrated everything but they denied talking about the technology. They do not plan to release a stand alone device. They are talking to OEMs to intergrate this technology into their devices (notebooks, PDAs, phones etc.).
This demonstation unit was a little bigger than a matchbox, very light and had a sensor switch for on/off. If you lift the device from the surface it will switch off. To switch it back on, you have to press an ON key for a second or two. It will recognize two keys togehther like SHIFT+A.
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