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Old 03-07-2002, 06:29 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default My iPAQ 3870

On Monday, I received an iPAQ 3870. Hooray! The device is quite cool, although I still like my Jornada. The newest thing on the 3870 to me is the Bluetooth. So the question is, now that I have it, what do I DO with it? No cell phone provider in my area sells Bluetooth phones yet. I have no Bluetooth cards for my laptop, and I'm not sure I see the purpose in getting one.

What would you do if you were me? What would your killer Bluetooth scenarios be?
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Old 03-07-2002, 06:47 PM
Shaun Stuart
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Default Ipaq 3870 and Bluetooth

I am using my 3870 with a TDK USB Bluetooth adaptor. My Desktop is in the spare room upstairs but this connection allows me to sync , check email and surf the web (using the activesync internet pass through option) from anywhere in the house.

I have been trying for a while to get my ipaq to work with PCdrive which creates a virtual storage card on your desktop - problem is PCdrive/ipaq appears to struggle with transferring large data files
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Old 03-07-2002, 06:51 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 68

If I had a 3870, I would consider buying a Bluetooth Access Point which would allow me quick access to my LAN without need of a sleeve for a WiFi/LAN card. I hate having to use sleeves because the naked iPaq feels so comfortable in my hands, but since mine is a 3670, I haven't a choice.
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Old 03-07-2002, 06:54 PM
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Posts: 15

Jason, if you have GSM service where you live, check out if your GSM provider is offering GPRS. If they do then get an Ericsson T39m and surf the web wirelessly with no bulky sleeves

Also, you can buy Pocket Presence's Running Voice GSM and use your ipaq to dial and send/receive sms text. If you get the ericcson bluetooth headset, then you can even answer calls.
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:09 PM
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Default Some Options


I will suggest you some options, none is very new and probably have already been suggested:

1. Although you don't have it now, surely soon you will have BT enable cellphones in your area, it's a question of time.
2. An access point to your network would be a fine application
3. A USB plug for your computer would let the computer communicate with the IPAQ
4. A BT PLUG for your printer would let you print directly from the IPAQ.
5. And there will always be (in the future) the public access points... I hope.

Best regards, and have a good trip to Germany.
Helio Diamant
Editor - The Hebrew Mobile and Wireless Website
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:17 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
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Default My iPAQ 3870

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
What would your killer Bluetooth scenarios be?
Wireless Headphones
Internet (via cell phone or access point)
Automotive hooks (vehicle systems monitoring, for auditing purposes (taking exact measurements for business trips, oil-chage history, etc...))
Home Automation (more likely an Internet-related thing, but maybe someone will come up with a stand-alone HA system with bluetooth hooks).
FAST FOOD ORDERING SYSTEM (gone would be the days of those darn kids screwing up my orders! Oh I behold the idea wonderful! Pull into a Wendy's parking lot (the spaces would be numbered), and order directly from your screen... pay via an electronic method (credit/debit card or other) and have your food served directly to you... in-store also (using table number)).
Universal Home Entertainment Center Controller.
PaceMaker monitoring (for all you old-farts out there Just kidding!). For real, I think the medical impact of something like this could be AMAZING!

The list of 'killer' items goes on and on and on...!
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:18 PM
Jason Dunn
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Default My iPAQ 3870

Originally Posted by JoeThielen
The list of 'killer' items goes on and on and on...!
Cool ideas, but how many of them can I do TODAY? :-) That's really what I'm looking for.
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 114

The GPRS with a Bluetooth phone is a good option, too bad it is all but iimpossible to get it to work with Voicestream's service.
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Old 03-07-2002, 07:24 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
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Default My iPAQ 3870

Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Cool ideas, but how many of them can I do TODAY? :-) That's really what I'm looking for.
I know, but you asked for ':twisted:' scenarios. I just had to put my non-sensical USD$0.02 in like usual .
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Old 03-07-2002, 08:00 PM
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Default 3800 iPaq

I would love to help Jason, but the thought that keeps coming to me is give it to me!!

I plan on buying an Xscale with Bluetooth when they come out. Hopefully by then My wireless service will have a Bluetooth enabled handset.

I was told in confidence that there are plans to release Bluetooth Handsets for the CDMA market within the next few months.

I know you and I are kind of in the same boat so good luck. :?
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