02-19-2002, 12:36 PM
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RealNetworks will bring out player for Pocket PC
One of the recurring questions in the Pocket PC newsgroup is where to find a player for Real streaming media for the Pocket PC. Until now, the answer was that there was none. But the linked news story brings good news to those looking for such a player: "Real, best known for its RealOne software for playing music or video on a personal computer, is also preparing to launch a version of RealOne for Pocket PC handheld computers based on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows operating system."
Source: Jonathan Blackwell
02-19-2002, 12:49 PM
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 556
About time
About time too! I can't understand why they hadn't brought one out earlier!
02-19-2002, 01:32 PM
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Lets hope that when you install it it doesn't take over all file associations associated with audio and video like its evil desktop brother does. :evil:
02-19-2002, 01:50 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 248
The desktop version only does it if you allow it to. You need to step through its setup carefully to avoid this assimilation of all media formats, but it doesn't touch associations if you tell it not to do so.
02-19-2002, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1,023
You need to step through its setup carefully to avoid this assimilation of all media formats, but it doesn't touch associations if you tell it not to do so.
Heh, that's how it -should- work. Real likes to take over the associations no matter what, it apparently thinks it knows best. :? If I remember correctly from the last time I installed Realone, I kept getting an insanely annoying message box popping up every few days screaming at me because it couldn't get associated with a few file types.
Oh well, anyway. The latest real player, Realone, seems quite a step up from the previous players. It's quite nice actually and seems much more stable and polished. Here's hoping the Pocket PC version will follow it's lead and not be a step back again. (I.E. buggy, crashes often, poor performance, etc.)
02-19-2002, 02:54 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Originally Posted by Rirath
Oh well, anyway. The latest real player, Realone, seems quite a step up from the previous players. It's quite nice actually and seems much more stable and polished. Here's hoping the Pocket PC version will follow it's lead and not be a step back again. (I.E. buggy, crashes often, poor performance, etc.)
RealOne is the worst. You cannot just install that app and use it when you want. It wants to take over your desktop with alerts and whatnot. I hate it. It was on my wife's PC, but I just reformatted and put XP on it and will not put RealAnything on it unless I have to. I use the old realplayer on my PC and it works fine for the 30 minutes a month I use it. All other times I prefer Windows Media.
02-19-2002, 03:53 PM
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Oh, goody. Now I can be annoyed by pop-up ads on my Pocket PC. Real-one stayed on my desktop about two days. I carefully installed it refusing to allow it file associations but it insisted on bugging me with messages it was sure I wanted to know about right away. If content is only available in realmedia, I don't need it.
02-19-2002, 04:02 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 360
Real One Annoying Application
I have to agree with the Masses here!! No real anything for me. Too much crud goes along with it, the pop ups, adds, requests to upgrade, bla bla bla. And yes I know that some of these things are probably only for the freeware of real like player, but that to me is just not going to get me to buy an app. I am familiar with the association problems and yeah you can chose not to associate file types but as stated before Real just gets mad about it later and starts yelling at you.
If software truly matters I would just like to see Media Player perfected. One thing I would like to see is a Skinning app that will work on any Windows OS.
02-19-2002, 04:32 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 332
Yep, put me in the "resistance is not futile group", we don't need another app from real trying to screw up our systems.
02-19-2002, 04:42 PM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 792
I hope that Real just keeps everything simple and doesn't try and make things "to complicated" like their desktop software. It isn't that it is hard to use, just that there are a lot of little buttons all around that most people never use (most of them being ads). I say leave that kind of stuff for the desktop and make the Pocket PC client actually simple and decent.