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Old 02-18-2002, 08:22 PM
Tycho Morgan
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Default The truth about Mobile Usability

When people talk about the usability of mobile technology, and in fact of computers in general, it seems that an undue focus is placed on the capabilities of the software and hardware solutions. This I find often paints a rather unrealistic view of the real world usability. The best method for exploring usability is to examine your usage patterns with Pocket PCs (or any other form of technology for that matter), and compare these patterns to usage of other devices (paper, desktop computers, etc.). This is also the best way to work on improving usability: evaluate your usage patterns to determine what needs to be improved or enhanced.

For example, allow me to take a look at my usage patterns. Here's what I do in a notebook or on my desktop computer that I don't do with my Jornada:

�Compose weblog entries
�Make lists of Tasks and Future web log entries.
�Post Weblog entries
�Write fiction
�Edit/Revise Writing
�Web Design

I use my Jornada to:
�Compose weblog entries
�Organize my Schedule
�Read and Write email
�Take Notes

I'd like to be able to do more of my writing and editing on the Jornada, as well as really get some web design work done when I'm not at home. But the truth is that I don't care all that much about Pocket Excel or mobile connectivity because the truth is that I don't really have any use for either.

In order to make my Pocket PC more usable I would need a more effective method for entering data on the run (Thumb keyboard possibly?), coupled with more effective list making, and web design software; as well as a beefier version of Pocket Word. To enhance anything more than that would be overkill (for me). In the area of services, I'd like to see viable content management systems (CMSs) become more PDA friendly. Again, I don't really need streaming video, or any other whiz-bang this or that.

At the heart, this is what usability is. Making the equipment and software that you use day in and day out perform all of the tasks that you need it to without hassle, obscure work around solutions, and with sufficient reliability.

What is your opinion of the usability of your Pocket PC?
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Old 02-18-2002, 08:26 PM
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Default PocketPC has broad applications

I don't think we should ever try to corner a PocketPC into performing a specific set of functions. One of the greatest strengths is that it is powerful enough to allow application developers to think of new ways to use the hardware. Some many not have much need for mobile access while others find it valuable.

You seek something to do text entry with while others may want to listen to music and play games. I am glad there is this flexibility and my PDA is more than just a daily organizer.

As for that text entry thing.... get a Stowaway Keyboard.
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Old 02-18-2002, 08:59 PM
Tycho Morgan
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I'm being selfish here, and I'd like everyone else to be as well. For the sake of this argument, I have no interest in the well being of the Pocket PC platform, nor do I really care how the mess of silicon and plastic works for you, or anyone else.

Flexibility is only important to the end that the Pocket PC does everything that you need it to. And believe it or not this has little to do with Palm, in fact, you could change a few choice phrases in it and it would apply to Palm devices.

It seems that this community (and I'm referring to mobile technology as a whole, not this forum) spends a whole lot of time justifying their choices (Platform, Device, Software, etc.) on a grand scale rather than productively examining usability. You don't have to strut around promoting that the OEM of your PPC turned a profit this year and the OEM of everyone else's declared Chapter 11. You don't have to say that what ever you chose is best because it is the best choice for every PDA user.

In day to day usage, these things don't really matter. How the rest of creation uses a PDA doesn't really affect how you make use of your shinny new Pocket PC. What matters is how it works (or doesn't) for you. Everything else is not only irrelevant but distracting as well.

As for the stowaway, I have one, and it takes to long to set up, requires to much space to be useful all the time. There are times when I can just set up and go, and it's really great, but when I only have a few seconds here or there, it becomes impractical.

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Old 02-18-2002, 09:08 PM
Jason Dunn
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Good post Sam!

Things that I really want my Pocket PC to do in order to enhance my life:

1) Integrated, always-on wireless connection. I like to look things up on the web all the time: price-shopping for items, looking up words at, movie times, etc. I want my data, I want it live, and I want it NOW! 8)

2) I want Pocket Word to support things like comments and round-tripping so I can do my book tech edits on my Pocket PC. HUGE request, I know, but damn it would be nice.

3) Better one-handed operation. It still takes too many clicks and steps to look up a contact

4) Radically improved data input. Give me some freakin' voice recognition that works! Transcriber is decent, but it needs MASSIVE improvement in order to be something that I can rely on

There are 791 other things I want, but for the sake of brevity, that's all I'll mention at the moment. :wink:
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Old 02-18-2002, 09:29 PM
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Default The truth about Mobile Usability

Originally Posted by Sam Kleinman
Here's what I do in a notebook or on my desktop computer that I don't do with my Jornada:
�Compose weblog entries

I use my Jornada to:
�Compose weblog entries
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Old 02-18-2002, 11:14 PM
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Very good post, and very good points sam. Things I would like to be able to do with my Pocket PC-

1. Better data input - Jason put it very well, "Give me some freakin' voice recognition that works!". Current voice recognition doesn't work very well, even if you could get it on all devices. As for transcriber it is a great technology, I don't think it can ever work well enough to be used as a main method of input if you are working on a document.

2. Integrated Wireless connection - I'm thinking a wireless connection to cell networks, to allow anytime, anywhere internet access. Or create something that you could switch from cell to 802.11b if you come into an enabled area.

3. Now I'm not sure if this will ever be viable but it would be very cool to be able to do some web-design and code editing on the Pocket PC. I'm sure coding might be viable, but the screen size could hamper web-design.

4. More Data Storage - As files get bigger, we need more storage space! I'm not going to go off into the type of storage conversation again, that is in another post. I will say this - it won't be microdrive :wink:. (Ok Jason?)
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
There are 791 other things I want, but for the sake of brevity, that's all I'll mention at the moment. :wink:
Only 791? Come on were is your sense of want???? :lol: Anyway, that was my two cents.
~SpencerOwner-Editor of TabletPCBuzz.comMicrosoft MVP - Tablet PC
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Old 02-19-2002, 01:25 AM
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<warning type="monster post" />

I think that there is some confusion here between usability and functionality.
Usability is a question of how easy it is to use something, ie. how easy it is to operate the device and use the functionality.
Functionality is obviously what you can do.

As far as usablity is concerned, Microsoft has really shot themselves in the foot with PPC. They have a whole lot of design standards which 97% of desktop users are familiar with (at different levels) and which they tend to break as required on PPC. Obviously the design and input paradigms of the desktop PC are necessarily different to that of the PPC, but things like the X button and no cascading menus (I know why they were removed but hasn't performance improved since then?) are really things that unecessarily confuse users. I would question the process of establishing the design and operation of the PPC. Many people have said before something to the effect that the people at MS that make descisions do not use the PPC, I think this is true for the design process too. How do people compare PPC to Palm? Palm is more usable, PPC is more powerful/versatile. The useablity factor here is a design issue and therefore can be resolved, but MS doesn't seem to think that they need to. I think that usability is a question of testing and feedback from "normal" (non-tech) users. There are some good examples, like some windows that do no appear in task switchers (like connection setup dialogs), the Connection Manager, need I say more? These things would have, in my opinion, been flagged as issues had serious usability testing been performed. PPC2k2 gives me the impression of a system that was never tested (for usability issues) beyond the PPC team, PPC2k had a similar feel.
As far as functionality goes, I have to concur with Jason:
Give me some freakin' voice recognition that works
The screen is too small to do proper input on (yes this is a usability issue as well) and the PPC platform will not go mainstream corporate until the issue of input is resolved. This is my number one issue. Second major problem I have with regards to functionality on the PPC Platform is MS removing things with each release, that is just ridiculous. I write (and manager the development of) software applications, if I remove functionality I have to have a damn good reason that my clients are happy with or a replacement that is better! MS have made their clients unhappy by not at least explaining the desicion to remove functionality that people were using. If they want to make people happy with the platform they have to stop dictating to people what they need.

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Old 02-19-2002, 02:47 AM
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Default this year

There are so many things I want out of my PDA.... voice dictation, full-speed light speed network access, 3d VR, less than an ounce, eye implant, but what is really practical and _possible_ in the next 12-18 months?
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Old 02-19-2002, 03:48 AM
Tycho Morgan
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Default The truth about Mobile Usability

Originally Posted by William
Originally Posted by Sam Kleinman
Here's what I do in a notebook or on my desktop computer that I don't do with my Jornada:
�Compose weblog entries

I use my Jornada to:
�Compose weblog entries
There are parts of this process that I do on my Jornada that I don't do with my Desktop (starting things mainly), and their are things that I don't use my PPC for (finishing, polishing).

On a personal level, I find that intagrated wireless is really more than I can handle. One of the main things I like about using my Jornada is that it is free from distractions, I can't check my email, I can't see if their is any news, etc. I belive it or not like things this way


UPDATE: PS. I'm feeling lazy so I'm not going to make a new post for this (*yet*) but I got a pocket keyboard for my 565. What do I think of it? You'll have to wait a while on that one!
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Old 02-19-2002, 04:48 AM
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Default weblog?

ops: i didn't know that you can do weblogs on a pocket pc? Is it software you've created yourself or edit original text in word, etc..

basically, i'm looking for an application that will allow me to fill out a daily web log on my device and then i sync up, allow it to post on a webpage my info.

thanks in advance!
paul dyer
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