"This past Saturday we told you about Verizon Wireless’ plans to offer an unlimited voice option starting Tuesday, February 19. Now, additional details have emerged and it looks like Verizon is going for the gusto. $99 for unlimited voice will just be the start of Verizon’s unlimited offerings; in fact there will be six plans in total. Users who opt for one of the unlimited plans will see some additional benefits as well. Namely, the soft limit of 5 GB per month for data usage is out and current customers will not have to extend their contracts to upgrade to an unlimited plan. Now it’s time for Verizon customers to break out the calculators and see if any of the new unlimited options make sense for them."
What do you all think about this? Is it priced right? Too cheap or expensive? It wouldn't benefit me because I just don't use the minutes to justify the cost but I can see how it could benefit some. Do you think other carriers will follow suit? I wonder how big of a hit this will be. I've always felt that T-Mobile has the inexpensive plans, AT&T has the rollover minutes (and the best smartphones in my opinion), Sprint has the cheapest unlimited data plan, and now Verizon is offering unlimited plans. Is this opening a new door or will it be just a fad?