08-05-2007, 03:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,049
Zune Live at the BBQ - NYC
Today Microsoft hosted another Zune Live at the BBQ event, here in New York City. The location was very hush hush until yesterday. It was held at Empire-Fulton Ferry State Park in Brooklyn, right under the Brooklyn Bridge, on the East River. Gorgeous location, and the weather was absolutely perfect. Mid 80s, sunny, with a light breeze coming off the river.
There was BBQ available from a New York City Soul Food restaurant, and a variety of games to play around the park. Tetherball, dominoes, checkers, basketball...something for everyone. They had a tent set up where attendees could check out the Zune, as well as a half dozen Xbox 360s hooked up to flat screen TVs, creatively disguised as BBQ grills.
The event was fairly well attended, although it was obvious that Microsoft had expected more people. The grass area was about 1/3 full, and I'd put it at about 1000-1500 people. The concert was great, with artists such as Brand Nubian, Large Professor, Clipse, Cham, MIMS, and Joell Ortiz. If you're into hip hop, this was the place to be.

It's nice to see Microsoft give back to the community that has supported them (the event was free), and I'd certainly like to see more grassroots PR such as this. Now, about the Zune 2.0...