07-05-2007, 02:00 PM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,968
External Wireless Flash Metz 28 CS-2
"Nothing will ruin a shot quicker than on-camera flash. Unless you�ve got an SLR, though, indoors you usually have no choice � it�s either shiny and straight-on with flash, or dark and blurry without. No longer! Meet our newest friend: The German-engineered Metz 28 CS-2 Digital Slave Flash. (What will the naming geniuses at Metz think of next?) Here�s how it works: The tiny Metz is an external flash that runs on AAAs. As soon as your camera�s own flash fires, the Metz fires, too. Automatically. Without wires. Within milliseconds. (Speed of light and all that.) Since it�s far, far more powerful than your on-camera flash, your room fills light, and photos look, well, normal. Since it�s wireless, you can detach it and put it away from your camera, hold it in one hand while you take a photo with another, point it back, up, down, whatever. It�s even got a handy fold-up sliding rail that screws into your tripod socket."

Wow, this is a very cool solution... while DSLRs, etc have a relatively powerful flash (and additionally have the option of adding on an external flash), point-and-shoots are not as lucky. They have relatively week flashes and you end up with shiny and straight-on flash, or dark and blurry pictures (without flash). The Metz 28 CS-2 appears to be triggered by a flash of light and runs on an independent set of AAA batteries. So you can place the flash somewhere in a room where you are taking pictures and your camera flash will now have some often-needed backup. I would love to try it out to see what kind of ambient light it would give off.