03-06-2007, 07:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
161 Exabytes of Digital Information Created and Copied in 2006
"In 2006, 161 exabytes of digital information was created and copied, continuing an unprecedented period of information growth. This digital universe equals approximately three million times the information in all the books ever written - or the equivalent of 12 stacks of books, each extending more than 93 million miles from the earth to the sun. According to IDC, the amount of information created and copied in 2010 will surge more than six-fold to 988 exabytes, a compound annual growth rate of 57 per cent. While nearly 70 per cent of the digital universe will be generated by individuals by 2010, most of this content will be touched by an organization along the way -- on a network, in a data centre, at a hosting site, at a telephone or Internet switch, or in a backup system. Organizations -- including businesses of all sizes, agencies, governments, and associations - will be responsible for the security, privacy, reliability and compliance of at least 85 per cent of the information.
Data. There's a lot of it in the world already, but we're generating more and more of it every day. This is a paid study, so the link doesn't take you anywhere to read it, but a few of the key points I gleaned from the email I was sent include:
* Images - Images, captured by more than 1 billion devices in the world, from digital cameras and camera phones to medical scanners and security cameras, comprise the largest component of the digital universe
* Digital Cameras - The number of images captured on consumer digital still cameras in 2006 exceeded 150 billion worldwide, while the number of images captured on cell phones hit almost 100 billion. IDC is forecasting the capture of more than 500 billion images by 2010
* Camcorders - Camcorder usage should double in total minutes of use between now and 2010
* E-mail - The number of e-mail mailboxes has grown from 253 million in 1998 to nearly 1.6 billion in 2006. During the same period, the number of e-mails sent grew three times faster than the number of people e-mailing; in 2006 just the e-mail traffic from one person to another -- i.e., excluding spam -- accounted for 6 exabytes
* Instant Messaging - There will be 250 million IM accounts by 2010, including consumer accounts from which business IMs are sent
* Broadband - Today over 60 per cent of Internet users have access to broadband circuits, either at home, at work or at school
* Internet - In 1996 there were only 48 million people routinely using the Internet. The Worldwide Web was just two years old. By 2006, there were 1.1 billion users on the Internet. By 2010 IDC expects another 500 million users to come online
Interesting stuff, no?