03-11-2006, 06:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,097
Reuters: Amazon, Hollywood in Talks for Downloads
"Amazon.com Inc. is in advanced talks with several major Hollywood studios about creating a service that allows consumers to download and copy movies and television programs, sources familiar with the discussions said on Friday...Several publications reported that Amazon was close to completing a deal with Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios and Warner Bros, specifically, but spokesmen at the three studios either declined to comment or were unavailable for comment."
Yesss! First we hear that Amazon is taking on the iPod, and now, unsurprisingly, we find that they're going to take on iTunes as well. At last we'll have a legal means of obtaining movies and TV shows without them being tethered to a specific type of player. I personally can't wait, although it should be noted that Amazon offering movies and such for download will sound the death knell for my Netflix subscription... How about you?