"muvee Technologies, the pioneer and leader in Instant Personal Video, has licensed its muvee-making technology to Nikon to enable automatic video creation on its new Coolpix S5 and S6 style series cameras. muvee’s technology powers the embedded ‘Pictmotion’ feature in these cameras, and enables photos and recorded video clips to be automatically styled to music to produce compelling in-camera shows – called ‘muvees’ – that further enhance the digital photography experience."
muvee has had their technology running on Symbian Smartphones for a year or two now, but given the quality of camera phones I didn't think it ever made much sense. Having it run on these new Nikon cameras is an impressive feat - Nikon must have a fairly sophisticated operating system for their cameras to allow for a rich application such as this to work. And given the huge screen size of many modern point-and-shoot cameras, they're being used more often for playback, so why not add a little "wow" factor? You can check out a demo of how this feature works on the Nikon site.