09-20-2005, 12:00 AM
Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 1,049
Major Turning Point For Media Center Plug-Ins
"Hosted HTML applications work okay for Media Center plug-ins now, but the concept leaves much to be desired. The holy grail of Media Center plug-ins should be to be able to integrate the plug-in directly using the Media Center interface and not HTML. James at MCExtended is busy developing a way to do just this, and it�s simply amazing what the results are! Below is a screenshot of a new weather plug-in for Media Center 2005. Not only does it have a great look and feel that fits in with Media Center, but it's actually being displayed as part of the Media Center interface and not HTML! If you don't understand what that means, it's okay. Just take a look at this thread, and download the latest release. Once installed, you will see exactly what I�m talking about and you will quickly start to think about how this will be a huge turning point for Media Center development."
Outstanding! It's little plugins like this that really expand the functionality of devices and software like MCE, Pocket PCs, Tivo, etc. To see someone taking the time to actually integrate it into the MCE interface is great. With more grassroots support like this (which Tivo already has), maybe we'll see MCE get more of a foothold in the home entertainment marketplace.