"As Mac fans worldwide line up to be the first to receive the new release of OS X known as Tiger, Apple hasn't forgotten those not yet ready to don the stripes. The company has made available a release of QuickTime 7 for Panther users, which brings to the table a new video codec, live resizing and surround sound support. Apple's H.264 video compression technology, which plays an integral role in Tiger, is an industry standard MPEG-4 codec that will be supported in HD-DVD and Blu-ray next-generation DVD formats. Whether creating video for mobile devices or high-definition playback, Apple claims its new codec provides "astonishing quality." "
With QuickTime 7 now come another number combination to remember along with IEEE 1394 and 802.11 and it is H.264. H.264 is the new codec that should bring better video compression with "stunning" video quality. Hopefully, the distribution of H.264 will not be hampered by the patent problems surrounding MPEG-2, which didn't prove as popular as was initially hoped.
QuickTime 7 is now available on Mac OS X Tiger and for Panther (via download) with a Windows version coming soon.
Filip Norrg�rd:: My blog @ filips.net