"Offering flexibility and versatility never before available to video professionals, the AG-HVX200 DVCPRO HD P2 hand-held camcorder provides 1080i and 720p recording with the production-proven image quality of 100 Mbps DVCPRO HD. The AG-HVX200 shoots on a P2 card in 1080/60i, 30p and 24p; in 720/60p, 30p and 24p; and in DVCPRO50, DVCPRO or DV," stated Panasonic's press release."
A brand new HD camcorder from Panasonic for around $6000? This looks to be mainly a prosumer camcorder for the moment being, and not directly intended for catching those "America's Funniest Home Videos"-moments. But, it is nice to see that there are more HD camcorders on the horizon which would mean that we will soon start to see them enter the consumer market in the near future.
Filip Norrg�rd:: My blog @ filips.net