03-26-2005, 08:00 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,291
Digital TV: What Are We Waiting For?
"Who's to blame for the slow pace of the digital television transition in the United States? Broadcast industry officials, consumer electronics vendors, and consumer groups blamed each other at a recent HDTV conference here."
The article puts some of the blame on the broadcasters and some on consumers. Personally, I blame Comcast. I have an HD ready TV with their digital HD box. However, they don't even carry all of the local stations that broadcast in HD. So, I am watching the networks in analog. That is my other beef with Comcast "digital" service. They don't tell you that channels 2-99 are broadcast in analog and only the upper channels are digital, so even with all the bells and whistles on my cable package and a nice home theater, most of my viewing is regular old analog cable. :bad-words: