03-14-2005, 10:30 PM
Contributing Editor Emeritus
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 2,291
MSNBC: "Why I Love Satellite Radio"
"My husband and I added satellite radios to our cars just a few months ago, and like people who finally discover cable TV after years of only having network channels, we're never going back. (What's that the Buggles said, in an oddly prescient song? "We can't rewind, we've gone too far.") Satellite radio may not kill the radio star, and it may not reach cable TV's popularity for years to come, but I believe it's the future."
The author seems pretty happy with satellite radio. We just don't drive enough to make it worth the investment. My wife and I have about a 15 minute commute and our two cars (an '02 and an '03) have a combined total of about 38,000 miles.