The guys over at Akihabara have found something very interesting:
"I’m sure that this already existed for the professional market, but this is one for you and me. The Matrox QID PCI LP is a graphics card that allows you to connect up to 4 screens on 1 PC. Despite the rather steep price (approximately 765 Euros), we can dream, right?"
What they've found was a cool, four-head supporting Matrox Parhelia LX card with 128MB DDR that is available for AGP or PCI slots. The max resolution is at a quite suitable 1600 x 1200 and it requires as operating system either Windows 2000 or XP running on a Pentium III or Celeron 600MHz CPU. I could not yet find the official Matrox pages for this consumer card, only the PCI express version that is intended for the pro-sumer market. It seems like I have to get this card along with some sweet big screens when building my own home-made NOC some day in the future.
Filip Norrgård:: My blog @