"In the most competitive year for computer animation movies to date, Walt Disney is hoping to top its rivals with the opening of the much-anticipated "The Incredibles" on Friday. The action comedy, the second-to-last joint project under a contract between Disney and Steve Jobs' Pixar Animation Studios, is projected to pass $600 million in worldwide box-office sales."
The Incredibles looks like a well conceived film, but my gut tells me it's not going to live up to the hype. Disney is desperate for a hit, and Pixar just wants something to keep its stock soaring. We'll see if either happens, but The Incredibles look more like The Hypemachine to me. Perhaps the most significant impact of this movie is that it serves as further proof that traditional animation is dead. CG is where it's at...and where it's going. Even the old guard at Disney is finally waking up to this fact.