10-28-2004, 04:00 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
How Can We Make Digital Media Thoughts Better?
Digital Media Thoughts has been around now for eight months, which is long enough to work out most of the technical kinks and get down to the task of providing the best Web site possible. So the question is, are we doing that? I think we got off to a good start, but there's always room to do better.
One of the challenges unique to Digital Media Thoughts, unlike Pocket PC Thoughts or Smartphone Thoughts, is that the topic area is very broad. This site has the most far-reaching topic area of any Thoughts Media site, and that's both positive and negative. On the up side, there's no shortage of news and cool stuff for us to talk about - anything related to digital media is fair game. The down side is that because our topic area is so broad, our forums have been slow to take off because the focus is so broad.
I never envisioned this site being a better digital camera site than dpreview.com - but I did envision it serving as a hub of information for sites like dpreview, filtering and focusing the best of digital media-related content on the Web today. I think we're doing a decent job at that, and we're publishing a couple of reviews a week now, which I'm thrilled to see.
How can we do better? What sorts of things would make this site more useful to you? Do we do too much of one thing, or not enough of another? I'm open to constructive criticism, but be gentle please. ;-)