03-04-2004, 02:00 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 911
MP3 DRM To Be Shown at CeBit
"LWDRM requires the user to register with a digital signature certification authority. The technology blocks all attempts to copy the file until the owner is "willing to autograph the purchased content with his personal digital signature". At that point, the file can be transferred to a portable player or to "family and friends, adhering to the prevalent legislation and the rules of fair use", Fraunhofer said.
If the user shares the file via Kazaa or some other P2P network, his or her digital signature reveals just who "leaked" the content, and appropriate action can be taken. Content is protected using Fraunhofer's own watermarking technology and AES-level encryption."
This sounds very interesting, although I suspect it will cause a a great deal of outrage among P2P fans. But if it helps stop piracy, I'm all for it. Of course, I believe the real solution is to shut down ALL file swapping networks. :wink: