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Old 11-21-2007, 05:00 AM
David Tucker
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Default Digital Trends : Zune Isn't So Bad

“Like a phoenix rising from the flames, the new Zune may have a chance at a fresh, meaningful and lucrative life, free from teasing and taunting with which the original brown Zune was cursed. The 4GB and 8GB flash-based Zune has a new (albeit nano-like) compact design, a beautiful little LCD screen, quality accessories and substantial sound production. We at Digital Trends took the new Zune on a test drive and we've got a report for you. Read on to find out what we liked and disliked, and be sure to check out our short Zune video.”

Overall, I think Digital Trends gave a very fair review of the Zune 8. (Wow, last year when the first Zune came out I was frustrated every time I read a ‘review’. What difference a year makes in public perception.) One thing I found interesting was that they knocked the Marketplace as being difficult to sign in. I’m not sure why since they didn’t really go into detail about that and I know from my experience that it signs me in automatically.

I do notice that many reviewers aren’t sold still on the Marketplace and Digital Trends is no exception. I do give them props for giving the subscription model props, which was very refreshing to see. They still thought the software could use improvement though I wasn’t completely clear as to what other than to make it more like iTunes. I guess most people are used to iTunes so I can understand that a bit but I never could get into the program even long before my Zune days.

Overall though, Digital Trends liked the Zune and if you’re trying to decide still if you want the Zune 4/8 then this is a good read.
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Old 11-23-2007, 01:14 AM
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 212

As I've written in another post, I'm a new zune user. I was reading all the reviews last week about the new devices & software. I was disgusted by many of the reviews that didn't even give it a chance against the ipod. It was so unfair. This device has the potential to light a flame under Apple's arse to not sit on their arse. I wish more people give it a chance this second round.

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