11-13-2007, 11:30 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
No Hard Drive For You!

That's what you see when you connect your Zune to a PC that isn't already running the Zune software. It's the same for the Zune 30, Zune 80, and Zune 4/8: it will not function, or be seen, as a mass storage device. It's possible that the old hard drive hack will still work, but who wants to have to registry edit a PC before they can connect their Zune? I think it's ridiculous that the Zune team didn't add this feature to the Zune this time around - it's clearly a much-desired user feature, at least for a certain segment of Zune owners, and if Microsoft wants to steal away the iPod user base, they need to get the basic features right. Come on Zune team, I know you can do this: give us mass-storage connecting Zunes!