Do You have the Flashback Virus? Here is How to Find Out And Fix It!
"According to Russian antivirus firm Dr. Web, over 600,000 Macs worldwide are infected with the Mac flashback trojan. The trojan can be installed if you visit a malicious website, and it will attempt to connect your Mac to a bonnet." Most of the infected machines appear to be in North America, with 57% of them in the US and 20% located in Canada. The vulnerability was patched, but in case you didn't get it done in time and are wondering if you have it, there are a couple of sites that can help you. You can either visit F-Secure's website and they can walk you through the process to check and clean it, or you can check your machine via Dr. Web's site. Dr. Web also has a free Mac App if you prefer using that to check your machine.
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