AT&T Explains Changes to Throttling Procedures
"Anyone hoping for some truly unlimited "unlimited" plans is still out of luck, but AT&T has announced some changes (or a clarification, as it puts it) to its throttling procedures today that will at least give you a bit more room to work with." 
Basically, if you are on an unlimited plan with a 3G phone, you get full data up to 3GB, but then you get throttled down until the next billing cycle. If on a 4G, then you get 5GB to use before the throttling begins. This has no effect on the tiered data plans, only the unlimited ones.
iPhone 4, 1.6 GHz Core 2 Duo MacBook Air, Apple TV, 2.66GHz Intel C2D Mac Mini, 1TB TC, Airport Extreme,several iPods and an iPad, 32GB Wi-Fi version. Follow me on Twitter.