Project Fiona is PC Gaming in Your Hand
"Project Fiona is a proof-of-concept and a prototype in the most serious way. What you're looking at is version 0.2. (Razer's already finished work on five more iterations of Fiona—they're up to version 0.8 at their labs, and expecting to hit 1.0 by the end of the year.) I can tell when I feel the heat coming out of the vents, as the fan spins up to cool the Intel Core i7 breathing fire inside. Or when the right analog stick feels a little sticky." Razer is known for its gaming peripherals and it looks like they want to take it one step further with making PC gaming really mobile. Why stick with peripherals when you can offer a whole gaming system? While Project Fiona looks like an interesting concept, I am not sure why I wouldn't favour something like the PlayStation Vita, or a Nintendo DS. If it is PC gaming that I want, which I can understand, then a laptop with a mouse and keyboard, or even a controller, seems like a better option. I think I could live with the limitation that I would have to set myself down somewhere to hook everything up. Anyone see any potential in Razer's latest headline grabber?