Nokia Battery Fault: Fix On The Way
"...some of our customers started to comment in various social media that the preloaded diagnostics tool in some of the Nokia Lumia 800 phones was showing lower battery capacity than expected...The good news is that as this is a software problem it can be easily resolved. The planned software update in early 2012, as well as including many performance enhancements, will also include a fix that will enable the affected phones to access the total battery capacity." It's not something that will affect many customers as yet, as the Lumia 800 hasn't been rolled out in some major markets (like the US). But if you're seeing this problem, helps on the way, though Nokia's vague on the timing. Just in case you're one of the affected, the problem isn't in the battery or the phone, but is a software fault that doesn't allow the phone to fully utilise it's existing battery capacity.
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."