10-11-2006, 09:47 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
60 GB Zune? Inicipio Says So
"New! Microsoft Zune 30GB and 60GB Leather Belt Clip Custom Design Case. The Incipio Belt Clip Case is a sturdy, compact case that allows you easy access to your Zune at all times. Just clip this handy case to your belt easy access to your device! The durable construction offers long-lasting protection."

Two things of note here: first, we have a nice leather case option for the Zune, coming in at a very affordable $15.99 USD. The more interesting thing is the mention of a 60 GB Zune, fitting in exactly the same case. 60 GB Zune - that's music to my ears. Microsoft is probably keeping quiet about it, because it mustn't be ready for sale and the don't want to kill the orders on the 30 GB units. That's really a shame, because the media is (and will continue to) slam Microsoft for not having a bigger capacity player at launch. If Microsoft introduces a 60 GB player within a few months of launch, it might alienate the early adopters that are pre-ordering the unit now [affiliate]. What about you? Are you going to hold off on getting a Zune now that you've heard about the 60 GB unit? Although we should always keep in mind that this is a completely unsubstantiated rumour that may hold no validity...only time will tell.