Relative Merits of iPhone 4S/iOS 5 and Windows Phone 7
"Speed and consistency has always been a hallmark of iOS, but Windows Phone 7.5 beats Apple here with an extremely snappy performance even on old hardware. Windows Phone 7.5 is as consistent as iOS and maybe even more so with less menu options and settings available to the end user. Windows Phone 7.5 does an excellent job with service integration while Apple forces you into the idea of working with specific apps, such as separate Facebook and Twitter apps." 
While the comparison of two smartphone platforms is naturally a subjective exercise, one would think that reading the opinions of someone with a fair bit of hands-on experience with both would increase the credibility of the comments. So, it was with some interest I read the editorial by Matthew Miller on the ZDNet site. One of the more interesting points he makes is that the Windows Phone 7 platform is more task oriented (with quite a bit of task integration) when compared to the iOS 5 platform which is more app-centric. He gives quite a strong endorsement for WP7, but comments on the need for better hardware from the vendors. It's an interesting read, and well-worth contemplating.