Amazon Expects to Ship 5M+ Kindle Fire Tablets in Q4
"Amazon could be on track to ship as many as 5 million Kindle Fire tablets in the fourth quarter, according to an analyst who tracks the market." 
Impressive pre-order numbers bode well for the Kindle Fire tablet. Predictions for sales have already risen from 4M to 5M, according to one analyst. This is a little under half of what Apple expects to ship in the same time period. Apple ships about 12M iPad 2 tablets per quarter, according to this same analyst. Kindle Fire shipping is expected to begin around November 15th. The biggest reported gotcha is a potential shortage of 7-inch displays, with ASUS and HTC also competing for a (currently) limited supply. I've pre-ordered mine, and now we wait!
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein