T-Mobile To Offer HTC Radar
"T-Mobile on Tuesday announced that it will soon offer the HTC Radar 4G, the carrier's first Windows Phone-based smartphone with 4G speeds...The Radar 4G will run the most recent version of Windows Phone, known as Mango, which was released today." The Radar doesn't quite meet the Titan's uber-specs, but I daresay the more svelte chassis and usability means that the Radar will probably be the more popular of HTC's new Mango handsets. The Radar offers a 1GHz processor, %MP camera, an aluminium unibody frame and a 3.8" screen. Exact availability is not known, but T-Mobile says it will be in stores before the holidays (press release here).
"A planner is a gentle man, with neither sword nor pistol.
He walks along most daintily, because his balls are crystal."