Fusion Garage Grid 10 Tablet Starting at $299 in October
"Looks like we're all indebted to HP in one way or another. Since the TouchPad fire sale began, we've seen a noticeable southward shift in tablet pricing -- it's as if iPad rivals finally figured out that battling on price was just about the only way to make a dent in Apple's enviable market share. Now, we're seeing Fusion Garage wipe a full $200 from its Grid 10 tablet... before the thing even ships." 
Very interesting that they're dropping their prices before they've shipped a single tablet. Built on an Android kernel, Fusion Garage has built an OS for the tablet, calling it Grid OS. It will run Android apps, but, as of today has no access to the Android Market. According to Fusion Garage, their intention all along has been to price the tablet this aggressively, with some contractual obligations delaying the price drop. Now scheduled to arrive in North America about October 1, 2011, this price point may attract some buyers not wanting to ante up for an iPad, as well as impulse buyers.
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." Albert Einstein