08-17-2011, 11:03 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Ilium Software Offering eWallet GO! for 99 Cents/Free
"Do you have too much info to remember? Do you wish you could take all your passwords, credit cards, account information and logins with you - so they're handy when you want them? But keep them safe - so you don't have to worry about intruders finding them? You need eWallet GO!TM If you want secure, easy, mobile storage for all your info, just grab eWallet GO! and take your passwords with you everywhere you GO!" 
Well now...here's a good deal! Effective now and running until the 21st of this month, you can get eWallet GO! for a mere 99 cents on Windows Phone 7, Android, and iPhone/iPod Touch devices. On Windows and Mac versions, the software is free. Sweet! Jump here to find the version you need. The OS X version is in the Mac App store, and the Windows version requires registration for the free download. On iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7, you'll find it in their respective app stores.

08-17-2011, 11:27 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 211
I'd already bought the app for my WP7 device, after waiting for the initial price to drop. I didn't buy the corresponding desktop app more out of frugality than anything else (and only having a handful of things entered). When it went free I jumped on it. I like the app for my phone and now having the desktop version will be more likely to enter more data and categorize it better.
I'm glad Ilium dropped the price, even if temporarily. I hope it gains them some more users while they do this.

08-17-2011, 11:29 PM
Executive Editor
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 29,160
Originally Posted by paschott
I like the app for my phone and now having the desktop version will be more likely to enter more data and categorize it better.
Since you're using it, can you explain to me how the Dropbox sync works? I installed the OS X client first, and the Dropbox implementation there makes it seem like you need to export/import the wallet every time...which makes no sense to me. 

08-18-2011, 03:32 AM
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Join Date: Jun 2007
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It's not dropbox 'sync'. It's dropbox as a place to backup/restore. You can make changes to your desktop app and back them up to dropbox in the proprietary format. Then you can restore your phone copy from that dropbox backup file.
If you make a change on the phone, you can back that up to dropbox (overwriting what was there of course) and restore that to your desktop.
I get that MS hamstrung them in the way WP7 works and they couldn't just sync a file to the phone, or even send one to the phone easily and have the phone app read it. Maybe things will change with the relaxed APIs in Mango.
I would much rather they had just allowed syncing an EWallet file to DropBox or SkyDrive, and then letting a WP7 app retreive that. They actually already allow syncing to a shared/cloud directory from EWallet. I would not have had to mess with a kludged up 'conversion' of EWallet file to eWalletGo file, or had to decide between the offerrings, or run two such apps, and do the convert and backup and restore kabuki dance they have created.
I still use eWallet regularly, but now have to occaisionaly convert a wlt to eWallet Go format, back that up to DropBox and restore it to my Focus. Update something on the Focus...not gonna happen, to much trouble. Just note it in OneNote and fix eWallet on the PC, convert.........etc.
The app is a good looking and effective app on WP7, I just think they could have made an effort not to disenfranchise a boatload of loyal eWallet users with this 'new' program with the 'new' file format.
P.S. I know Ilium reads your site now and again. I hope they will pop in and say great things are coming with Mango. Be happy to test it for them. With eWallet I had a WM, iPhone, desktop and two laptops in sync. Go has gone in the wrong direction.
Sometimes you are the anteater, sometimes you are the ant.
Last edited by Sven Johannsen; 08-18-2011 at 03:37 AM..

08-18-2011, 02:28 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by Jason Dunn
Since you're using it, can you explain to me how the Dropbox sync works? I installed the OS X client first, and the Dropbox implementation there makes it seem like you need to export/import the wallet every time...which makes no sense to me. 
For this release we only added auto-sync on Windows PC and iPhone OS. This is the most popular device combination so we started with that.
We hope to release the same functionality for Mac, Android, and Windows Phone in the future.
For now, those other platforms work just like they always did - allowing a manual backup/restore function.
Ilium Software

08-18-2011, 02:41 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4
First - I didn't say it in the other post but thanks for covering the sale. We're pretty excited about it and eWallet GO! is now the #1 Password Manager on iPhone. VERY cool.
Now, to answer some of the questions.
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
It's not dropbox 'sync'. It's dropbox as a place to backup/restore. You can make changes to your desktop app and back them up to dropbox in the proprietary format. Then you can restore your phone copy from that dropbox backup file. If you make a change on the phone, you can back that up to dropbox (overwriting what was there of course) and restore that to your desktop.
Right - and that was only the first step (I agree - it isn't a perfect solution). All the platforms came out with this functionality. Now, we're moving to phase 2 which is to implement true auto-sync. Auto-sync is now available for iOS and Windows PC, and we're hoping to release it for the other platforms in the future.
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
I get that MS hamstrung them in the way WP7 works and they couldn't just sync a file to the phone, or even send one to the phone easily and have the phone app read it.
That's true. It's a great OS, but WP7 just doesn't allow us to sync as we used to. In fact there were a number of things we just couldn't do.
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
Maybe things will change with the relaxed APIs in Mango.
Boy, we sure hope so!
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
I would much rather they had just allowed syncing an EWallet file to DropBox or SkyDrive, and then letting a WP7 app retreive that. They actually already allow syncing to a shared/cloud directory from EWallet. I would not have had to mess with a kludged up 'conversion' of EWallet file to eWalletGo file, or had to decide between the offerrings, or run two such apps, and do the convert and backup and restore kabuki dance they have created.
The two apps (eWallet and eWallet GO!) really aren't designed to work together. You CAN make it work, but that wasn't the main goal.
So - why didn't we do what you suggested? The problem was time and technology. With more time and better technology, we could have put out a full version of eWallet for WP7. We didn't have either of those. We knew we weren't going to please people with whatever we put out (which sucks - we really DO like to please our customers) due to these limits. Knowing that, we said, "Well what CAN we do that would be really cool and make at least some customer group happy?"
We'd known for awhile that there was this market for a simpler password manager. It seemed like the right time to do that. So - we put together eWallet GO! In fact, it has sold extremely well on all platforms, and we definitely hit our target market. Meanwhile, eWallet sales remain strong since there are still plenty of folks who want a more robust experience.
As for Skydrive, there is no legal way for us to sync with it. Some apps have used workarounds but these are not approved or accepted by MS and we tend to play by the rules.
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
The app is a good looking and effective app on WP7, I just think they could have made an effort not to disenfranchise a boatload of loyal eWallet users with this 'new' program with the 'new' file format.
Upsetting existing folks wasn't what we wanted to do, but the limits we were faced with made this inevitable. We did the only thing we could - we put out an app that we knew would be fantastic for new users, provided tools that would at least let existing users keep going, and hoped that advancing technology and growing sales would let us do what we really wanted to (a full version of eWallet) in the future.
Originally Posted by Sven Johannsen
P.S. I know Ilium reads your site now and again. I hope they will pop in and say great things are coming with Mango. Be happy to test it for them. With eWallet I had a WM, iPhone, desktop and two laptops in sync. Go has gone in the wrong direction.
I really can't say what Mango will do for us, but I can say that while GO! might be the wrong direction for people who want the full eWallet experience, it really wasn't made for that market - and I don't say that lightly. We WANT to support you guys and hope to in the future. It is, however, a fantastic solution (as proven by the sales) for customers who are looking for that simpler experience, and it should keep getting better as we add auto-sync to the other platforms.
Hope that helps to explain things at least!
Ilium Software

08-18-2011, 04:27 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 211
Pretty much what Sven said, though it hasn't been too painful for me. I don't make a lot of changes to my Wallet file, though I'll likely add more entries now that I have a desktop client. I tend to agree with the "sync" idea Sven mentioned because it would be more useful across multiple devices. In the meantime, I'm relatively content with what I have for the moment. Mango should definitely make more things possible.

08-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 53
How difficult is it to transfer data from SPB Wallet to eWalletGO?

08-19-2011, 01:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 4
Originally Posted by aquanaut
How difficult is it to transfer data from SPB Wallet to eWalletGO?
Although eWallet GO! only offers an automated tool for transferring from Splash ID, Lastpass, and eWallet, it does not have an SPB transfer tool.
Drop the support folks a line ( [email protected]) and explain what you want to do. There is a way to do it by using a trial version of eWallet. A few extra steps, but all of the steps are easy.
Ilium Software

08-20-2011, 01:00 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 38
eWallet vs. eWallet Go! comparison?
Is there a comparison chart to describe the differences between these two programs? I am an eWallet user. I would like a better way to keep data synced between two PCs (home and work) and various mobile devices. Sounds like eWallet Go! helps here for PCs and iPhones but what functionality might I miss if I convert to eWallet Go!?
Update: Found a chart here: eWallet GO! and eWallet 7: Feature Comparison Chart .: Technical Support
Last edited by snap; 08-20-2011 at 01:05 AM..
Reason: Found new information