Google Buys Motorola Mobility
"Google's announcement today of its planned Motorola Mobility acquisition may come as a surprise to some, but Moto's dedication to producing Android handsets, along with its recent $56 million Q2 net loss and comprehensive patent portfolio, make this a logical next move for Mountain View's search giant. Operating independently -- for the near-term, at least -- both companies will cooperate to grow Android, while Google claims that it will remain committed to its other partners as well. So what will this mean for Google and the future of the smartphone industry as a whole? Jump past the break for our thoughts." 
If you've been on the net at all today, you probably have seen the news that Google has bought Motorola Mobility (pending the usual government reviews, of course). Many are speculating that it's the patents that Big G is after, while others speculate that Google might decide to launch a proper (as in made by) Google phone with the hardware division. Some wish it meant the end of MotoBlur, however I don't think we'll get that lucky. Only time will tell what Google will do with it's new acquisition, but one thing is for sure - they are seriously in love with the little android dude - and are ready to put serious bucks into keeping him at the top of the rankings.
Dr. Jon Westfall, MCSE, MS-MVP
Executive Editor - Android Thoughts
News Editor - Windows Phone Thoughts