Pustek OpticBook 3800: Digitize Your Library
"If you're an e-reader elitist like many of us, then you have probably come across a familiar problem. What do you do with all of those stacks of old, out-of-print books that you love?" The idea of having thousands of your favorite books on you all the time in a digital e-reader such as the Kindle is a reader's dream. However, not all books are available in digital form. What do you do if the book you want has not been digitized? Why you scan it yourself of course. If you are thinking of taking this endeavor, take a look at the Plustek OpticBook 3800. The OpticBook's scanning bed is thin so you can scan up to the spine of a book and the included software helps to eliminate the distortions one gets when scanning books. Scanning complete books will take time but once you are done, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing your favorite book is never more than a button push away.