Samsung Galaxy Q Does That Bendy Foldy Thing
"News has circulated in Korea about a possible Samsung Galaxy Q in the works with a 5.3-inch display, that could be shown off at IFA in September. Barely any details were mentioned other than it would have a high quality display and be available in W-CDMA 3G and LTE 4G varieties. Now, put on your speculation glasses. Could that display actually be the 5.3-inch foldable AMOLED display we took a look at last year?" Bendable displays are really cool and the stuff of science fiction. Maybe not so much anymore and you could have one in your hand, sometime, soon, I think. I love the idea of flexible displays and what that could mean for the world of phyiscal design for electronics, but it just makes me cringe when I see that display gold up. I guess I have just spent too many years, and dollars in learning that electronic displays do bad things when bent.