Star Ninja is in the WP7 House
"Star Ninja is a game about a ninja on a mission to defeat the pirates! Use throwing stars that bounce off the environment and smack into the pirates causing them to flail about in funny ways. Includes four game modes and 50 levels." Eric Cosky over at Bounding Box Games has dropped the word on his latest Windows Phone 7 Game, Star Ninja. You might recognize his earlier work which included some big titles such as Red Dead Redemption, EverQuest, Earth & Beyond and others. Star Ninja... it's like "Rogue Assassin" meets "Pirates of the Caribbean". The music & sound effects are comedic, the animations, cute, and the game play addictive, just like other addictive ricochet games we love to play; Angry Birds anyone?. I sailed thru to level four then stuttered a little on level five, it proved a little tricky but I got there in the end. If you try it out, let me know what you think in the forums.
Darren Blade........................................... So much fun...So little time!