Securely Share Your Wireless Network With Wifi Joiner
"Want a simpler way to allow others to join your Wi-Fi network, without having to give out your WPA code? Wifi Joiner creates a QR code for your network that the other user can scan to easily connect to your wireless network." 
This is a pretty handy little app for those who need to share their wireless network with others yet don't want to just hand out the password. Wifi Joiner will allow you to generate a QR code that can be scanned by another user running Wifi Joiner to quickly and easily configure your wireless network on their device. Your wireless password can even be encrypted so it is not just stored as plain text in the QR code for all to read. A pretty neat idea over all. Something like this should be a universal standard. Just beep the WiFi sign and Starbucks to connect securely.