Insanely Thorough Review: The Galaxy S II Vs The HTC Sensation
"Recently two new 'super phones' have been unleashed into the marketplace on the Android platform and thanks to our good friends at O2 UK we've been given the chance to produce a head-to-head review of both machines. We are of course talking dual core here and that means the Sensation from HTC and the Galaxy SII from Samsung." 
I don't think you'll find a better source of information if you're even remotely curious about the Galaxy S II or the Sensation. The folks over at Smartphone Gurus have put together quite the extensive comparison/review of these two amazing devices. If you're in the market for a new Android device I strongly recommend heading over and reading through this extensive write-up. I really want to replace my poor old Nexus One with a Galaxy S II. Reading this sure didn't help my restraint any. 