The Droid 3 is Coming! Three Tutorial Videos Leaked!
"Verizon and Motorola have kept a tighter lid on the Droid 3 than many recent smartphones we've seen, but a nice big leak just sprang from the bottom of the pot -- startup gadget blog PhonePads obtained three tutorial videos of the five-row QWERTY slider strutting its stuff." 
The Droid X2, Droid Incredible, and even the Bionic which won't be out for a while have had lots of information released early about them. We haven't heard much at all about the Droid 3 until now. Three training video's have leaked out. It looks like Motorola has blocked access to them now so you may not be able to watch them anymore but those videos did give us info about what to expect. It now has an 8MP rear camera that is apparently an upgrade over the one in the Droid X or X2. It also has a 5-row physical keyboard now, the 5th row providing numbers. They have taken away the physical camera button, like Moto did with the Droid X2. Oh yeah, and the rear camera can record 1080p video! And what good is HD video recording without an HDMI port - so of course they threw in a MicroHDMI port too! I'm not a fan of devices with physical keyboards in general but if I was going to buy one, this is looking pretty good. What do you think?